Sherford Trust Grant Scheme

Grant Support

Funded by residents’ annual contributions, the Trust has set up a Grant support scheme which residents of Sherford can use to apply for support of between £50 and £1000. Special projects that do not meet the criteria can be proposed and will be considered, but the Trust will not undertake to cover running costs or similar long-term funding commitments. Nor will it make retrospective refunds for costs already paid by others without prior agreement. Grant funding applications will be considered by Directors at their Board meetings. If approved and notified by the Trust then grants will be refunded against receipts.

For successful application for a grant the idea or project should:

The Trust Grant Form can be accessed here and will be emailed to the Trust directors.

The deadlines for grant applications prior to each month's Community Land Trust meetings are set out below:

12th July for 26th July 2024 meeting

2nd August for 16th August 2024 meeting

6th September for 20th September 2024 meeting

4th October for 18th October 2024 meeting

1st November for 15th November 2024 meeting

6th December for 20th December 2024 meeting

Please find attached a list of grant applications to date with associated information:

Grant applications schedule