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Sherford Community Trust


Deep Lane pedestrian/cycle bridge consultation

Dear all,


Devon County Council is considering how to improve the cycle and pedestrian movements over the A38 at Deep Lane Junction, and is undertaking an online public consultation to get views on three potential options identified to deliver a new route.


The three options being consulted on include a route to the west of Deep Lane Junction, a route alongside the existing bridge at Deep Lane Junction, and a route to the east of Deep Lane Junction.


The public consultation will run between 13th December 2021 and 23rd January 2022, seeking the views of local stakeholders, businesses and residents. Further details of the options, including a plan, and an online response form can be found at, and the consultation leaflet that will be sent to surrounding landowners has also been attached for reference.


Download document (pdf)

13th December 2021

Councillor Surgery 28th January 2022

Please come along to our next 'Meet your Councillors and MP Surgery' on 28th January 2022. See the attached document for more information and the zoom link to join. If you think you will be able to attend please do let me know on so I have an idea of numbers.

Councillor Surgery Invite

6th December 2021

Community Hub Launch and Open Day:
Community Hub Launch and Open Day:
Community Hub Launch and Open Day:
Community Hub Launch and Open Day:

Community Hub Launch and Open Day

The Trust welcomed residents and groups to our launch and Open Day last Friday. Many thanks to Cllr Dan Brown and Sir Gary Streeter MP for formally opening the hub. Thanks also to the groups and organisations who took the time to speak with the community about their activities. It was good to see the hub so busy and we look forward to welcoming more of the community to the hub in the future.

Please look at the website for more details and availability.

12th November 2021

Halloween Pumpkin Trail: Halloween pumpkin fun
Halloween Pumpkin Trail:
Halloween Pumpkin Trail:
Halloween pumpkin fun

Halloween Pumpkin Trail

The community enjoyed a fun Halloween pumpkin trail throughout half-term. The Community Trust were pleased to contribute towards the treat bags for the children in Sherford. 

The unwanted pumpkins were all donated to a local residential care home for their 'pumpkin appeal'.

11th November 2021

Community Hub Launch

Please come along to our Community Hub launch on 5th November from 3.30 to 6pm.

Sir Gary Streeter will be officially opening the building and a number of groups and organisations will be there to discuss their classes. Come and see what's on offer in your community! Refreshments served from 4pm.

Community Hub Launch

5th November 2021

Sherford Pop-up Market - Saturday 20th November 10.30am – 2pm :

Sherford Pop-up Market - Saturday 20th November 10.30am – 2pm

Come along to the Sherford Community Hub and explore local food and craft producers, supporting independent and resident owned businesses. FREE ENTRY - Please be aware we will only be allowed 40 at a time in the space.

Some stall holders will be accepting card, but others will be cash only.

We’re still looking for stall holders, contact to book a table at the market.

Download our flyer

For full details, see our Market page

28th October 2021

New Maths and English Class drop-in events

Please come along to Sherford Community Hub for a drop-in event to discuss furthering your career with a new qualification.

Sherford Maths and English classes

21st September 2021

Sherford Family fun day

Sunday 5th September

Family fun day at Sherford Vale Primary School

Bike races, inflatable fun and Land Art, Refreshments etc

Sherford family fun day

4th August 2021

Toddler Group sessions: Toddler fun
Toddler Group sessions:
Toddler Group sessions:
Toddler Group sessions:
Toddler fun

Toddler Group sessions

Children have been enjoying the Forest School space in the Country Park for their new Toddler Group sessions. These are taking place on a Wednesday morning. Please do contact Meg on for more details.

19th May 2021

Mobile Library

Mobile Library Service comes to Sherford

At last the Mobile Library will be in Sherford! It will come to the School car park every four weeks on a Monday from 1-4pm starting on Friday 7th May. Please see the attached poster for further dates.

Download document (pdf)

28th April 2021

Sherford Easter Holiday Club: Easter Holiday Club fun
Easter Holiday Club fun

Sherford Easter Holiday Club

A fun flurry of forest school sessions, games, crafts and outdoor fun, Sherford's Easter Holiday Club was a huge success!

Taking place at the Country Park - a stunning slice of green space at the town's heart - the activities were kindly organised and run by Dartmoor Community Kitchen Hub and Sherford Forest School. Part of a project to support positive mental and physical health, and help tackle holiday hunger, funded by Devon County Council.

A great initiative, here's to plenty more forest fun for Sherford families in the future.

27th April 2021

Easter Egg Hunt: Easter eggs!
Easter Egg Hunt:
Easter Egg Hunt:
Easter Egg Hunt:
Easter eggs!

Easter Egg Hunt

Families in Sherford enjoyed a fun Easter Egg Hunt over the holidays with lots of yummy chocolate for the children - the eggs were funded by the Trust. Glad everyone had a good time.

13th April 2021

Sherford Directory

Please see the attached digital version of the recently distributed Sherford Directory flyer.

The Directory shows the key amenities, infrastructure and services at Sherford and lets you know which organisations are responsible for what elements. 

Download document (pdf)

8th March 2021

Sherford Matters

Please see a copy of the Trust's recently submitted article to the Sherford Matters magazine. It gives details of the new Sherford Directory which will give residents all the information they need about the structure and organisations operating in Sherford.

Download document (pdf)

8th March 2021

Forest School activity packs: Forest activity packs
Forest activity packs

Forest School activity packs

The Trust approved a grant application for these wonderful forest school activity packs which families have been enjoying through lockdown. The activities included a seasonal trail with tree identification guides, bird watch sheets, fairy doors, scavenger hunt sheets and clay for leaf pressing.

A fabulous selection to keep children happy!

12th February 2021

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